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Advantages and Disadvantages of rooting an Android device

Android Mobile Phone

You might have seen the word “Rooting an Android on the internet but you are not aware of what rooting is and how it works? In this post I have shared What is rooting?Advantages and disadvantages of rooting an android device. This post is not intended to teach you how you can root your android devices, I’ll just share the concept of rooting and it’s advantages/disadvantages.

What is Rooting (Android Operating System)?


Rooting an Android device means to get root access on your Android device. The Android operating system is based on Linux and on every Linux there is a user with root access (with all privileges). Root user on Linux have rights to all files and programs, he can do anything. Similarly, you can also get root access on your Android device. If you have an android device and you think that you can do everything on it, then you’re wrong! You’re just a guest user on your device. I’ll give you a simple example so it will make sure that you are just a guest user. You can install and uninstall applications on your android device but you can’t uninstall a default application. Default applications include the Web browserCalendarClock etc. There are many more default apps available on your device. When you’ll go to Settings>Apps> and open any default application’s settings, you’ll see Disable button instead of Uninstall. In case of any game or application that you have installed on Google Play, you’ll see an Uninstall button to remove that application from your device.

Many people say that rooting is a good option and it allows them to own their devices fully but many say that it is not a good option because it can be harmful. Take a look at some common advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of Rooting Android Device

Disadvantages of Rooting Android Device


In short, the choice is really yours. Only you can decide that whether you should root your android device or not. If rooting gives you freedom then it also voids your warranty, Similarly, if you can install custom ROM’s then you can also end up with a bricked device which is not very much fun. Different people have different choices, Our job was to share advantages and disadvantages with you so you can decide what to do.

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