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Self Learning [Beginner’s Guide]

Learn as if you to live forever. “Self Learning” is an instructional strategy to take charge of your learning process, often referred as self-directed learning. Adult education scholar named Dr. Stephen D. Brookfield takes the credit of exploring this notion. In this type of learning, a practitioner takes the responsibility of taking initiative to the execution via planning and management the whole learning process. It is either on the individual basis or in a group. Above all, learner takes the ownership of learning.

Importance of Self Learning

Learning is not confined to classrooms. With the increased access to academic resources, the trend of spoon-feeding is reducing significantly. Everyone is trying to seek knowledge and perform practical own his/her on. So, its importance is worthwhile.

Self Learning Process

Learning beyond the classes often makes us fell asleep. Yes! We want to study more but we don’t feel like that. There are many factors causing divergence from the main course of self learning. Let’s find a way to have motivation for spending more and more time with the knowledge resources.

 Arrange Study Space

Remove Distractions and Clutters

Set Study Aims

Prepare Yourself

Take Elegant Start

Sunrise is the proof of marvellous beginning of the morning. So, always try to take a good start. Because plans without actions are same like the libraries without books. After the making efforts gradually, you will start taking interest in learning.

Self Learning Techniques

There are several techniques one can adopt for self-learning but we’ll add the most influential techniques here. So that, you may experience a significant upgrade.

Technique is noticed most markedly in the case of those who have not mastered it.

Have Conversation

One-on-one and group conversation are simplest ways to learn. You can make conversation at home, educational institution or workspace. This will encourage you to strive to learn a lot, so they can keep teaching you what they know. Moreover, the practice of teaching is a way to furnish a concept. You may have consulted to the following:

Read Books and Research

The most reliable and authentic source of knowledge is books and research. Books provide the reader leisure and encourage him/her to increase the understanding of any concept or baselines effectively. You may consult the following:

Watch Informative Video

We learn abruptly what our mind watches. Nowadays, trend of E-learning is going upward because it contains worthy material like tutorials, experiments and implementations with best quality audio and video. Informational videos are now the fastest source of learning. Apart from these, motivational videos are also available to recover the energies and stay motivated. Don’t forget to type the following:

Play Tricky Games

To promote your learning, there are much games on English, mathematics and general knowledge. Playing tricky games and solving puzzles sharpen your brain. Visit the following to get/play free available games:

Keep Practicing Questions

It’s a common opinion of all intellectuals that if your keep doing practice, you will easily sail through in any examination. Making study notes and using computer-aided software assist your practising activity. More you practice, more you learn about the incorporated situations. Have a look at the following for doing practice:

Advantages of Self Learning

Self learning has been an attribute of all the leaders and revolutionists. They are avid readers and fond of self learning. There are numerous perks a self learner can enjoy. Observations regarding the advantages are mentioned below:

  1. Enriched Knowledge
  2. High Level of Adaptation
  3. Critical Thinking
  4. Exposure to Advance Learning Resources
  5. Problem Solving Approach
  6. Self Discipline and Personality Development
  7. Unique Point of View
  8. Enhanced Performance
  9. Strong Emotional Commitment
  10. Sense of Sharing Knowledge
  11. Life Time Learning Capability
  12. Public Relation (PR) Development

The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. Usually, growth comes at the expense of previous comfort or safety.

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