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The Definitive Guide to Academic Websites

What are Academic Web pages?

Definitive guide to Academic Websites

If you have ever wondered “What are Academic or Scholarly Websites?” This is the perfect guide for you to know what exactly they are. As the name depicts, the Academic Websites websites are the collection of web pages related to education. There are certain properties of academic websites which distinguish them from others. 

Few of them are:

There are several types of academic websites which are following:

Institutional Websites

These academic websites belong to different universities, colleges or schools used to run their different operations such as:

Conference Websites

To reach more attendees for the conference and attract potential donors for the conference, Conference websites are being built. It serves the following purposes:

Portfolio Websites

Scientists are most shy humans on the earth but not everyone. Few want to interact more with the people especially those who are working in development or social studies. A portfolio website can be used for the following purposes:

Project Websites

It’s not always better to roar if you are not yet ready to strike but in few cases, you need to show the world your work so you can gather as much support as you needed. Project websites are good for:

Research Center

If it is not something for Project x then you surely want to interact with the people interested in the services of the research centre. Most of the university, government-funded or private research labs have their websites which may contain the following:

Workshops and Training

Workshops are the efficient way of teaching small and important things to faculty, students or interested individuals. Scientific workshops especially computer training ( Yes scientist are non-computer geeks ) are organized by universities, colleges or commercial organizers as well, free or paid. A website can be a good medium for reaching more trainees.


These are the rich ones! Journals are scientific publishing houses that publish new research periodically. The content is mostly peer-reviewed and then finally published. Most of the today’s journal publish their content in electronic form and website serves the purpose.

Society Websites

Social media pages are not enough to keep updated the members of the society about the activities and upcoming meet-ups. So, most of the societies have their own websites not only to keep updated their members but also to reach more registrations by telling people about their cause.

E-learning Websites

You have probably heard about Edx or Coursera, if not, these are the websites which are free* online courses and resources on several academic topics through affiliations with several academic institutions. Well, If you have to teach online then you do need a website. It may contain


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